Samnan Medical Center


How Do Dental Crowns & Bridges Work Together?

If you’re thinking about restoring your smile after losing one or more teeth, you may be interested in dental bridges. If you have questions about what bridges are and how they work with dental crowns, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain everything that you need to know about dental bridges and crowns. Let’s get started.


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What Is A Dental Crown? Explaining The Basics

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped shell, typically made of porcelain. This shell is designed to fit over a trimmed tooth and completely cover it up all the way down to the gum line, protecting the tooth from further damage.

In most cases, crowns are used to restore teeth that have been affected by serious dental trauma, have very large cavities, or that have been treated with root canal therapy. They are the best way to repair a damaged tooth and repair your smile and your bite.


How Do Crowns Work With Dental Bridges?

So, what do dental crowns have to do with dental bridges? They’re actually essential for the procedure. You see, a dental bridge is made out of 2 dental crowns that attach to “abutment” teeth, and support one or more “pontics” (false teeth) that fill up the gap in your smile where you’ve lost one or more teeth.

In the dental bridge procedure, your abutment teeth are trimmed, then impressions and molds are taken of your teeth, and a dental bridge is built. The crowns will fit perfectly over your trimmed teeth, and are permanently attached using dental cement. Then, they hold your false teeth into place, restoring your smile.


Why Choose A Dental Bridge Over A Partial Denture?

As you may have realized, dental bridges do have some similarities to partial dentures. Partial dentures are cheaper than bridges, and can usually be built and placed more quickly. So why choose a dental bridge instead?

Well, there are a few major advantages. First, dental bridges do not have to be removed. They are fixed in place permanently, and are easier to care for and take care of compared to partial dentures. They will also never slip or move when you eat, speak, or bite.

In addition, dental bridges usually last longer than partial dentures, so they are a better long-term investment. They also look and feel more natural, since they are permanently anchored to your natural teeth using two dental crowns


Are Dental Bridges Permanent?

Yes. The procedure is considered to be permanent and irreversible. This is because your abutment teeth must be trimmed before the placement of a bridge, and this removes a lot of the natural enamel.

After you get a dental bridge, you will need to have it repaired or replaced if it ever fails, because your trimmed teeth will be much weaker and will not look natural. If you do not like the idea of permanently having your teeth trimmed, alternative treatments like dental implants or partial dentures may be a better option for you.

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